Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Importance Of Human Suffering - 1493 Words

Dorian Williams ENG 221 (001) Dr. Halpern The Importance of Human Suffering Over the course of this semester we have read several books and plays that have in one way or another tie into the overall theme of human suffering. The Letters of Abelard and Heloise, Prometheus Bound, Women of Troy, etc.†¦.all contain elements of intense suffering, despair, and struggle, which made each of them particularly hard for me to not only read, but digest. The Book of Job in fact, was at first the single most depressing piece of literature I’ve read so far in my academic career, simply because it seemed to be page upon page of suffering without any hope of relief. As I look back and reflect, I find myself asking why the concept of human suffering is so important, especially when regarding literature (because obviously we wouldn’t learn about it if it wasn’t), and why authors and playwrights throughout history have chosen to build their work around it. After further thought, I believe that in a unique way human suffering in literature is vital because it inspires hope, restores faith, reveals truths, and aids us in our daily wrestle with personal struggle. Whether or not we like it or care to admit it, two things remain true when talking about human suffering. First off, suffering exists, plain and simple. Many people try to absurdly pretend that it doesn’t, and that they’ll never experience struggle or pain because it only exists for those who allow themselves to believe it does.Show MoreRelatedAnimal Rights And Utilitarianism1063 Words   |  5 Pagesguidelines for having interests concern sentience; the ability to experience suffering. Comparing to the ideas of Mill, both are utilitarians and have a similar ideology around interests and moral consideration around the treatment of animals. Singer’s position on not eating meat is based on the utilitarian principle that ethical actions are the ones that create the most pleasure. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Essay about CFS 388 Midterm Review - 2851 Words

Chapter 1 Cross Cultural Comparisons: people have different sexual attitudes and behaviors positions missionary- woman lying on her back with the man on top normal is defined by the community in which we live americans are known as ethnocentric- our own cultures behavior and customs as correct or as the way things should be if we traveled to another country we would be seen as â€Å"strange† USA people think negative about armpits but Abkhazian men are aroused by seeing a woman’s armpits navel is arousing in Samoa and a knee is erotic in New Guinea and Celebes Islands USA men are aroused by breasts, Polynesian men are fascinated with the size, shape, and consistency of women’s genitals body weight is an important determinant†¦show more content†¦dia in EUROPE show more nudity than in the united states Chapter 2 Clitoris- a small, elongated erectile structure in women that develops from the same embryonic tissue as the penis Cowper’s Gland- two pea-shaped structures located beneath the prostate gland in men that secrete a few drops of an alkaline fluid prior to orgasm Hymen- the thin membrane that partially covers the vaginal opening in many sexually inexperienced women G Spot- a small, sensitive area on the front wall of the vagina found in about 10% of women Penis- the male organ for sexual intercourse and the passageway for sperm and urine Scrotum- the pouch beneath the penis that contains testicles Vuvla- external female genitalia, including the mons veneris, labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, vaginal opening, urethral opening All men over the age of 50 should have an annual examination to check for cancer of the PROSTATE GLAND In women, the two outer elongated folds of the skin that extend from the mons to the perineum are called LABIA MAJORA?The innermost layer of the uterus, which is sloughed off and discharged from the woman?s body during menstruation is called ENDOMETRIUM In men, an erection results from the spongy tissues of the penis becoming engorged with BLOOD?When a man becomes sexually aroused a few drops of a clear fluid produced by the COWPERS GLANDS may appear at the tip of the penis Breast size in women is determined by the AMOUNT OF FATTY TISSUE The best time

Monday, December 9, 2019

Seneca Falls Essay Example For Students

Seneca Falls Essay One hundred and fifty years ago this summer, in the little country town of SENECA FALLS in upstate New York, several dozen excited women and a few interested men held the first meeting in the world devoted solely to womens rights. It was 1848, the springtime of the peoples in Europe; and, although these Americans were far removed from the emancipatory proclamations in Europe, they caught the fever and produced one of their own, the Declaration of Sentiments: We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal. Compared to the apocalypticism of The Communist Manifesto, another product of that year, the SENECA FALLS Declaration seems modest, a relic of right-thinking republicanism rather than a portent of wrenching revolutionary transformation. Yet its effects were destined to be no less profound, and far more benign. The gathering in 1848 emerged from a long, fitfully articulated history of womens grievances, though the participants were not aware of it. The interruption of historical memory and, in its absence, the strains of improvising a politics of grievance on the spot, have always characterized this tradition. The written record of female protest extends back to the late middle ages, to the French woman of letters Christine de Pizan and her Book of the City of Ladies. It was in the late eighteenth century, however, that the language of the rights of man gained momentum around the northern Atlantic world, shifting the idea of justice for women out of the register of utopia to make it, for a few highly politicized women in the age of revolution, a plausible goal in the here and now. Thus, in 1776, Abigail Adams admonished her patriot husband, away in Philadelphia at the Continental Congress, to remember the ladies in their declarations, a nudge tempered by coyness but at heart quite serious. Later, in Paris, groups of women in the early days of the Revolution protested, unsuccessfully, their exclusion from representation and the franchise. And the excitement of the revolutionary debate in France stirred the young English writer Mary Wollstonecraft, who was trying to earn her own living outside a mans household. In 1792 she produced, in a few red-hot months, her sensational Vindication of the Rights of Women, the first full-scale argument for womens equality. The Americans of the middle of the nineteenth century knew little or nothing about these earlier claims and events, which were erased by the revanche against the French Revolution. The intertwined devils of Jacobinism and sexual irregularity tainted the reputation of Wollstonecraft, who died in 1797 giving birth to a child out of wedlock. (The baby grew up to be Mary Shelley. The Vindication passed out of print, and with it any knowledge that a woman had spent concentrated intellectual labor in reflection upon the oddity of her sexs inability to profit from the universal rights of man. The absence of an accessible tradition makes the Americans resourcefulness all the more remarkable. In the 1830s, a few firebrands of gender subversion wandered around the English-speaking world, representatives of the utopian socialist fringe where revolutionary womens rights still flickered: Fanny Wright, for example, a labor radical and an early advocate of contraception. Yet such sensations operated at a remove from the respectable ladies who called the meeting at SENECA FALLS. For them, there was no living memory of advocacy for womens rights. In the 1830s, as the struggle to end slavery accelerated, women in the inner circles of abolitionism began to stretch the metaphor of enslavement to encompass their own situations. The energy of extrapolation, rather than the confidence of tradition, galvanized their thinking. The analogy of woman and slave was by turns histrionic, sentimental, and brilliantly revealing, given all the actual ways in which men had the ability to coerce and to constrain wives and daughters, and given the legal fact that wives and daughters were, to some degree, the property of their husbands and fathers. Thine in the bonds of womanhood, the Southern ex-slaveholding renegade Sarah Grimke signed each of her Letters on the Equality of the Sexes (1838), a paraphrase of the bonds of slavery designed to detonate regular provocations throughout the text. The controversy over womens proper role was one of several differences that split the abolitionist movement in the 1830s. The nub of the issue was a womans right to follow the dictates of her conscience into public protest. The conversion of Sarah Grimke and her sister Angelina, daughters of a leading South Carolina family, to the cause immediately made them prized speakers on the antislavery circuit. Yet the prohibitions against women exposing themselves to audiences including men were so strong that leading New England clergymen threatened to withdraw their support from the movement unless the Grimkes retired. In free black circles, too, women became dedicated antislavery activists: Maria Stewarts public lectures aroused concerted opposition from African American men, as Suzanne Marilley discovers in her interesting book. The radicals led by William Lloyd Garrisonthe immediatists who pressed for an unconditional end to slaverybacked the Grimkes. The moderates in antislavery politicsgradualists who believed in courting mainstream opinionlined up with the clergy to send the women back home. The ruckus spread through the ranks, carried by the fevered gossip of protest politics as well as by Sarah Grimkes published Letters, a truculent rejoinder to the ministers. The result can be glimpsed in a letter from 1841, reprinted early on in Ann D. Gordons captivating first volume of Elizabeth Cady STANTONs and Susan B. Anthonys papers. Elizabeth Cady STANTON came of age in upstate New York, a hotbed of all sorts of reform, where the debate over womans nature was a muted clamor in the background. Newly married to Henry STANTON, an antislavery pragmatist who had broken with Garrison, STANTON refused to abjure her own loyalties to the womens rights wing of abolition. In language echoing Sarah Grimkes, the young wife declared herself preeminently an independent morally responsible being, answerable not to her husband but to a higher authority. I do in truth think act for myself deeming that I alone am responsible for the sayings doings of E. C. S. Elizabeth Cady STANTON was twenty-four when this volume of the Selected Papers begins. She was the daughter of a distinguished and well-heeled family: her mother was from the great New York land-holding Livingston clan, her father made his name in politics and the law. She benefited from the best education available to girls in antebellum America, which meant access to a good library (her fathers) and a stint at Emma Willards boarding school for girls, which was the first attempt to provide a serious curriculum beyond the ladies academies regime of French and music. No college and no career awaited a student upon leaving Willards, and so, in the early 1840s, the newlywed settled into provincial domesticity. Voracious for life and ideas, Mr. STANTONs wife must have been a handful. On the honeymoon trip that she and Henry took in 1840 to the World Anti-Slavery Convention in London, he found her capacity for fearless conversation irritating. Henry admonished her, she dutifully wrote a cousin, for her lack of discretion; she was too gay, she talked too much, she professed her views on slavery before people who knew much more than she did. Yet Lucretia Mott, an older Quaker abolitionist of great distinction, found her enchanting, an open generous confiding spirit. The two immediately forged a bond. In London, the British forbade the women to participate in the convention and cordoned them off in a balcony behind a curtain, setting off a bitter floor fight that the Garrison faction lost. STANTON and Mott sat in seclusion with the others for three days and fumed. They vowed to hold a meeting on womens rights when they returned to the States. But the plan lay fallow for years: Philadelphia was a long way from upstate New York, and STANTON was preoccupied with having babiesthere would be seven over the course of nineteen years, the last in 1859and managing a large household. Throughout the 1840s, there was scant letter-writing. STANTON seems to have bided her time at the edge of history, waiting to jump. Like other abolitionists, she had an acute sense of historical calling that translated, psychologically, into a belief that it was only a matter of time before her own hunger for change became general. She seldom fell prey to the dissenters depleting fear that her grievances were superfluous. She was sociable, and blessed with an optimistic outlook. She was also given to cheerful indulgence in the pleasures of the flesh: guiltless overeating (by the 1850s she was plump, and heading toward obesity) and perhaps guiltless sex (the marriage was chilly, but the seven babies make one wonder). They say I am good natured, generous, always well happy, she matter-of-factly informed a friend. She popped out most of her babies with aplomb: a twelve-pound Margaret was born after STANTON lay down for fifteen minutes. As a mother, she was confident and warm, particularly intelligent and loving, Ellen DuBois tells us in her biography of STANTONs second daughter, Harriot. When Mott visited relatives nearby in the summer of 1848, STANTON mobilized immediately. She may or may not have read Mary Wollstonecraft, but in any case she knew exactly the place in history that she wished to stake out: the first womans rights convention that has ever assembled, she stressed to a neighbor. Her circle of friends, crack political organizers by virtue of their years in what Suzanne Marilley nicely terms the free space of Garrisonian antislavery work, threw together the meeting in three days. They worried that the attendance would be small: it was high summerbusy on the farms, hot and slow in town. Yet a substantial crowd gathered, about two-thirds women and one-third men. The Declaration of Sentiments produced at SENECA FALLS went far beyond Wollstonecrafts Vindication in its list of injustices. In lofty abolitionist-inspired rhetoric, the signers pointed out that women were legally the subjects of their husbands and fathers; that wives could not hold property in their own names; that divorce was an economic and social disaster for women; that they could not go to college or become doctors, lawyers, or clergy; that no decently paid work was open to them; and so forth. The culprit was man: He has usurped the prerogative of Jehovah himself, claiming it as his right to assign for a sphere of action, when that belongs to her conscience and her God. The perpetrators identity remained vague, a generic despot; but the pressure of the Declarations specific grievances was to make actual male people responsible. This conception of the effects of male power over women came from the images of subjugation in Grimkes Letterstake your feet off our backs, Grimke urged her male readers, and let us stand upright on the ground God designed us to occupyand produced a detailed view of the resulting social debilities. In retrospect, it marked a turning point. For Wollstonecraft had little use for her sex as it was presently constituted: the Vindication tended to blame either womens supposedly thwarted characters or the lack of reasonable education for the handicaps that they suffered. The Declaration of Sentiments, by contrast, was a firm defense of women as they were, poised to exercise their God-given capacities were it not for men. In its implicit ideas about the workings of power, you catch a faint echo of the clarion call of 1848: The history of mankind is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations on the part of man toward woman, having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over her. The remedies for which the signatories called were vague, tending toward a call for moral enlightenment for both men and women; but there was one point that was precise and political. This was the demand for womens suffrage, and it was STANTONs special contribution. The idea was startling. Women in revolutionary France had raised the issue, but nobody in England or America had ever broached it. Some of the organizers balked at the proposal; but Frederick Douglass, who attended the meeting, threw his considerable moral weight behind STANTON, and the resolution prevailed. It was the harbinger of a program that would eventually hold out to its participants, first in the United States, then in Britain, and then throughout the world, the epochal promise of equalizing, and even obliterating, the social effects of sexual difference. Susan B. Anthony was not at SENECA FALLS, though she lived nearby. Slightly younger than STANTON, Anthony was a schoolteacher in 1848, working to support herself and to help out with the failing fortunes of her debt-ridden family. Raised as a Quaker and sent, in the familys prosperous years, to a good Quaker boarding school for girls, Anthony was also up-to-date on abolition and reform, but her need to earn a living kept her from active involvement. In the contrasting textures of Anthonys and STANTONs letters in Selected Papers, more vivid differences also appear. Despite her provincial base, STANTON moved in a cosmopolitan Anglo-American milieu, intellectually and socially; her mind stretched to Harriet Taylor, John Stuart Mill, and Jane Eyre. Anthonys world, the upstate countryside, was a universe of pigs and parsnips, of the homey concerns of a large struggling family. The epistolary styles of the early correspondence are wonderfully revealing: STANTONs letters are lifted by the swooping cadences that the great nineteenth-century political minds used even in their most intimate letters, Anthonys letters are knotted intricately in the everyday particulars of money, work, and sickness. Do write very soon, she adjures the folks, tell me about the strawberries peaches, cherries plums. Joseph talks some of going with us going to his fathers Joshua and Elisha want to come too. I guess I will come home live this winter let Mary and Merritt go to Washington Co. The marvel is that Anthony ever lifted her head from her appointed furrow. It was difficult for anyone to extricate any kind of self from this kin-based country life of thick obligations, dependencies, and anxieties, but it was virtually impossible for a woman to do so. STANTONs difficulties in grabbing time away from her household to read and to write are more easily appreciable now: they are a little resonant with our own dilemmas of bourgeois busyness. But it was Anthony, the unmarried sister whose labor and time were claimed not by one family but by several, who had the harder time launching herself. It seems to me that no one feels that it is any thing out of the common course of things, for me to sacrifice my every feeling, almost principle, to gratify those with whom I have chance to mingle, she complained of one stint helping out a relative. Yet slowly she crafted an independent life, helped by her friendship with STANTON, which began in 1851. First in temperance work, and then in abolitionism combined with womens rights, Anthony found her voice as a speaker and her genius as an organizer. From her complicated, dutyridden family life she brought to political work a habit of altruism and a focus on details. Anthonys later persona in the womens movement was so much the workhorsethe stoic mother of us all, as Gertrude Stein called herthat it is jolting to realize that she was not yet thirty when she threw in her lot with the cause. She worked incessantly, often traveling alone by coach or even on foot. Although she seldom noted the costs, the stress of her young life can be glimpsed in her letters: the penny-pinching of organizational funds, the slogging on bad roads, the miserable crowds at lectures, the loneliness, the struggle to support herselfall that went into the cold hard labor of which she complained in a low moment. The Selected Papers uphold a nowcommon view of STANTON as the brains of the pair and Anthony as the dogsbody organizer, but the books offerings deepen the meaning of both roles. This was a different political and intellectual world, in which the determination to eradicate the evil of slavery gave drive and authority to all sorts of American lives, mixing up ideas and politics. The friendship had the consequence of attaching some of STANTONs intellectual boldness to Anthony the schoolteacher-organizer, and some of Anthonys political acumen to STANTON the cerebral housewife. Anthony thrilled to STANTONs leaps of the mind; and their sallies into the world helped to transform STANTON from a bold thinker into a political swashbuckler. In the human soul, the steps between discontent and action are few and short indeed, she once observed to her abolitionist cousin Gerrit Smith; and it was in large part Anthony who helped her to compress the distance. In the 1850s, each moved from the edges to the center of radical reform. STANTON did so by means of her prominence at SENECA FALLS, which instituted a loose organization for womens rights embodied in annual conventions. Anthony became a paid organizer for anti-slavery. The renewed interest in women was so strong in the ranks that female lecturers sometimes alternated topics: one night slavery, the next womens rights. The new pride of status, coupled with the exhilarating new friendship, unleashed in these extraordinary women a torrent of work that continued unabated through the Civil War. The political culture of the 1850s provided audiences with an enormous sense of political efficacy (even for disenfranchised women), and a rich repertoire of metaphors and images: of bondage, which STANTON translated into the mental bondage of undereducated, housebound women, and of universal democracy, the redolent term for a consortium of rights-bearing individuals. Ann Gordons subtitle for this first volume of the STANTON-Anthony Papers, In the School of Anti-Slavery, is apt, for Northeastern reform politics at midcentury were indeed a huge pedagogical effort in reasoning, arguing, writing, orating, and storytelling. STANTON and Anthony learned from their fellows a method that was closely reasoned and argumentative (rather than exhortatory and denunciatory, in the twentieth-century mode of left-wing persuasion). Long speeches and long articles geared to patient audiences turned upon the enunciation of a series of errors, refuted point by point to listeners accustomed to sitting for hours. A fair sample of the method can be gleaned from STANTONs first public address on womens rights, delivered right after SENECA FALLS. She states a mistaken idea (let us consider mans claims to physical superiority), then circles around it, raising a calm objection, a commonsensical point, some shrewd reversal of accepted wisdom. Men are intellectually superior, Satan picked the weaker sex for his designs, women are satisfied with things as they are: little is left of these hoary claims when she is done. Even the easily verified point that the Bible tells wives to obey their husbands seems shaky after STANTON has worked over Genesis and Pauls epistles. These speeches and writings are heavy going today, but even a cursory look shows how intrepidly and efficiently STANTON, with Anthony close behind, cut her way through the defense of the status quo to occupy her own intellectual redoubt. In the 1850s, the vote was only one concern among many. Searching for a pure liberal lineage for feminism, recent writers have suggested that this early movement kept itself away from the task of changing private life, but nothing could be farther from the truth. In the 1850s, womens rights leaders used the metaphor of bondage to argue that disenfranchisement was inextricable from womens relegation to the home. Anthony eventually settled on the vote as sufficient, but STANTON never lost the drive to peer into the crevices of private life. What do you women want? : this volume of papers shows that she raised the rhetorical question years before Freud put it slightly differently; and unlike Freud, she went on to speculate on why they didnt get it. The pedagogy of abolition helped both women in the 1850s to entertain simultaneous, even contradictory, ardors. The vote was their passion, but they also challenged differences between the sexes that even friends and compatriots tolerated as natures inevitabilities. It was the unjust nature of marriage for women that quickly became STANTONs hobby horse. The Participial Adjective Part of English EssayLet the eccentrics, the untutored, the politically suspect come on, she wrote her new ally: politically, I would rather make a few blunders from a superabundance of life than to have all the proprieties of a well embalmed mummy. Woodhulls superabundance of life sprang from both her suffrage extremism and her willingness to talk about sex. A veteran of the rough gender economy of seedy boarding-houses, she had a bred-in-the-bones appreciation for the part that mens social and sexual privileges played in the system of inequality. Yet she did not conclude that men should be reined in, which was the womens rights position. She concluded that women should be let loose. With a daughters eagerness to kick over the traces, she denounced marriage as legalized prostitution and advocated a philosophy of free love, a branch of utopian socialism that championed the womans right to sexual fulfillment separated from child-bearing. (This idea made free-lovers the prescient champions of contraception. ) Free-lovers spurned legal marriageit coerced what should be freely givenand argued for a heterosexual union close to our own notions of living together, a higher monogamy outside marriage that could be dissolved at will. At the edgesand Woodhull skirted the edgesthe ideal of a higher monogamy could stray into the realm of serial, even multiple partners. All this made free love tantamount to prostitution in the minds of the respectable. Still, Woodhulls wildness appealed to STANTON. She had been moving toward similar conclusions about marriage (though the lurid metaphor of legalized prostitution had not yet occurred to her), but she was on her own: even Anthony, loyal as she was, struggled against her distaste for her friends preoccupation with sexual matters. Woodhull, a shady lady who had schooled herself in a world of anarchists and utopian socialists into which STANTON had never ventured, brought vitality to the older womans intuitions and meditations. But STANTONs embrace of a loose woman outraged her political enemies all the more. The Boston group in particular looked to draw blood. STANTON was too big a target, but not Woodhull. And Woodhull was aware that there was danger in several quarters. As Goldsmith shows, the rival womens rights factions were not the only ones who saw their chance as Woodhull shifted from suffrage to advocating free love. There were also the resentful members of her family. In 1873, Woodhull made a spectacular admission to a packed New York house: Yes! I am a free lover! I have an inalienable, constitutional, and natural right to love whom I may, to love for as long or as short a period as I can, to change that love every day if I please! This crippled Woodhulls viability as a speaker, transforming her in the public mind from a personage evoking the liminality of the stage actress to a self-confessed harlot. Desperate and angry, Woodhull played the hand that proved her undoing. In a monthly paper, she and her sister published the revelation of an adulterous liaison between the charismatic minister Henry Ward Beecher, scion of the eminent reformer family, and his parishioner Elizabeth Tilton. The affair was common knowledge among the reformer sophisticates of Manhattan and Beechers Brooklyn Heights church; and so were the dalliances of Libby Tiltons husband Theodore, an up-and-coming newspaperman, liberal politico, and one of STANTON and Anthonys stalwarts. But Woodhull charged that Beecher and his cronies were hypocrites for repudiating publicly the ethos that they privately enjoyed. Free love seems to have become the rage in Brooklyn Heights, a moony opportunism that justified serial infidelities, mens and womens, in an age when divorce was next to impossible. The explicit nature of the revelations, coupled with Beechers success in cleaning up his reputation in the long divorce trial that followed, sealed Woodhulls fate. Hounded by the vice crusader Anthony Comstock for her obscene lectures and her writings about free love, she was indicted and jailed repeatedly over the next few years. For all of Goldsmiths assiduous research into the historical context, her portrait of Woodhull is flat. It falls back into a line of sensationalized journalistic depictions of the fabulous siren: a backwoods original, an entrepreneur and con artist, a self-promoter devoid of inner life. Goldsmith is too unskeptical about the scandal-mongering against Woodhull; and she is weirdly uninterested in relationships between women and in the drama of womens rights, in which Woodhull created a starring role for herself. Thus she ends up demoting a rich political conjuncture into a tale of gullibility and opportunism. Even New York Citya historic refuge of plotters, conspirators, and flamboyant radicalscould not provide Woodhull sanctuary. None of her new acquaintances came to her aid, not even STANTON. Woodhull sank down to the dim lower levels of the lecture circuit. By 1877, America was no good for her. She moved to England, where her old skills landed her a rich Londoner named John Martin, who set her up, a respectable lady for the first time in her life, in a fine big establishment in the substantial suburb of Kensington. Despite her husbands valiant efforts, London society shunned her. Goldsmith does not say so, but among those who would have chosen not to visit would have been the Martins neighbors at Hyde Park Gate, the eminent critic Leslie Stephen and his wife Julia. There, on the little sealed loop of a street, where everybody knew everything about everybody, and all the residents took their daily walks, we may spot (thanks to Hermione Lees Virginia Woolf) Mrs. Martin. We may see her as the small, curious Virginia saw her, out of the corner of her eye, a shadowy figure draped in her mothers suspicions of a somehow infamous suffragist past. How Woolf, with her second sense of a secret history of women which drifted through the London streets, would have loved the story! How she would have kindled to the evanescent metropolitan moment when that odd, dashing female past glanced against her own gathering feminist present! III. The vote was not won until 1919, but other demands for equality were achieved in the late nineteenth century, including the opening of higher education to women. Newly-founded womens colleges and coeducational public universities sent out self-consciously New Women to work in the world as doctors, businesswomen, settlement house residents, artists, professors. This was the first generation of middle-class women to choose paid work over what one of their number, Jane Addams, called the family claim. They were going to matter in the world. In the 1880s, the small Virginia Stephen and the middle-aged Mrs. Martin lived in a London where (Woolf later recalled wryly) a respectable woman was as likely to be seen alone in town as to walk outside in a dressing gown carrying a bath sponge. Similar rules of seclusion held in the United States. In both countries, however, they were buckling under the to-ings and fro-ings of New Women, independent-minded and often marriage-spurning daughters. One of the beneficiaries of the changing dispensation was Elizabeth Cady STANTONs daughter Harriot. Primed with her mothers fierce pride (STANTON modestly enjoined her daughter to love and work for humanity, to go on with my work when I am done, to make life easier in any direction for those who come after you), she received a stiff education at Vassar and then went on to Europe, where she imbibed the latest currents in the social sciences and soon married Harry Blatch, a kindly Englishman. Marriage and two daughters scarcely slowed her: she plunged into politics, working with the British suffragists at the point when votes for women were inseparable from broader issues of enfranchisementa historical moment that resonated with her mothers first involvement in the issue in the 1850sand then, briefly, with the Fabians. The Fabians were hostile to womens rights, but the mixing of labor, socialist, and womens concerns in concrete legislative proposalsand especially the keen interest in the plight of working womentaught her a practical and inclusive approach to electoral politics that went far beyond the strategies in use in the United States. When Blatch returned to America in 1896, Ellen Carol DuBois suggests, she was uniquely equipped by virtue of her maternal heritage and, more important, by the intellectual receptivity that heritage had bequeathed her, to become a leader in transforming womens rights into its twentieth-century incarnation as feminism. In America, Blatch found a stultifying suffrage movement that bored its devotees and repelled its opponents: Most of the ammunition was being wasted on its supporters in private drawing rooms and in public halls where friends, drummed up and harried by the ardent, listlessly heard the same old arguments. Still, distinct from this network of staid matrons was an inchoate milieu of young New Women who defined themselves by the modernist term feminism. Imported from France, feminism denoted youth, psychology, sex, financial independence, self. And elements of the marginalized nineteenth-century critique of marriage resurfaced, this time with broader appeal to a generation more interested in expressing female sexual desire than in containing men. Blatch swiftly attached herself to this milieu and reinvigorated the scene in the city. She organized an Equality League, a small but influential group that brought together some of New Yorks most brilliant New Women professionals with gifted working women and labor organizers from the trades. The focus was on the bond that joined employed women across class lines, on the conviction that paid work, since it freed women from economic dependence on men, was the necessary basis for sex equality. The feminist movement of the nineteenth century had treated the working woman as a pitiable victim, imagined quintessentially as the starving seamstress in her garret. But feminists in the early twentieth century promoted a spirited, youthful working woman as the exemplar of emancipation, the feisty rebel girl of the picket lines to be admired, emulated, and supported. The tinge of youthful hope, the emphasis on a destiny outside marriage, the scornful rejection of conventional womanhood: all this went into the militant suffragism of the rebellious daughters. By the early 1910s, suffragism was one of the largest and most varied democratic movements in the countrys history, encompassing a cast of characters that stretched far beyond the stalwart mothers of the nineteenth century. The superabundance of life with which STANTON had flirted now materialized in a politics that combined intellectual force with social eclecticism. Recruits from the socialists, the trade unions, African American groups, and the immigrant Left worked for the vote. Disgruntled high society ladies mixed with working women, New Women all. The militant movement that again surged out of New York City took womens rights into the era of modern electoral politics. There was plenty of the plain, dead-ahead slogging at which Anthony had excelled; Blatch learned the arts of legislative lobbying and door-to-door electioneering. Yet the range greatly expanded. Late-Victorian ladies had kept politics safely indoors, where they protected themselves from exposure to the smearing public eye. Blatch and her contemporaries took their campaign outdoors, in marvelous outdoor parades (all dressed in white marching down Fifth Avenue) and coast-to-coast all-female automobile entourages. They tapped the enlivening properties of commercial culture with suffrage hats, suffrage postcards, suffrage dances, even suffrage movies. The feminism of the daughters made some room for a feminism of the sons. The enthusiasm was contagious, and blended with the optimistic American spirit of the new. Even liberals and progressivesespecially young menwho ten years earlier would have been cool to the suffrage issue now warmed to its promise. At the The New Republic, just founded and buoyant with modern sensibilities, the editors gave over an issue in October 1915 to rousing support for the New York State campaign that Blatch orchestrated. A string of male pundits proclaimed the value, the importance, the necessity of votes for women. Walter Lippmann, a card-carrying suffragist since his days at Harvard, believed that a great deal of change between men and women was in the works and he welcomed it. In an essay deeply sympathetic to feminism, he made suffrage the centerpiece of an all-embracing program: At bottom the struggle might almost be described as an effort to alter the tone of peoples voices and the look in their eyes. But that means an infinitely greater change, a change in the initial prejudice with which men and women react towards each other and the world. Thought will not flow freely and inventively so long as it runs in the narrow channels of the older tradition. Rather remarkably, Lippmann proves to have been the first advocate of the no-more-nice-girls idea: This change women cannot bring about by being nice girls, dancing well, dressing well, becoming adept in small talk, marrying an honest man, supervising a servant, and seeing that the baby is clean, healthy and polite. They have to take part in the wider affairs of life. Their demand for the vote expresses that aspiration. Such encouraging male counterpartsfrom The New Republic, the radical Masses, whereverwere brothers to be welcomed. Older womenthe mothers so committed to the niceness that the daughters were fleeingwere more problematic. Suffrage veterans disliked the feminists sexually adventurous spirit and their eagerness to defy ideals of feminine propriety. For the new generation, however, the repudiation of older womens timidity before the gender status quo seemed a virtual requirement of the modern spirit. Ellen Carol DuBois has done more than any contemporary historian to bring to life the history of suffrage politics, and she sees a great deal at stake in these efforts to preserve the sense of a complex historical legacy. She is exquisitely attuned to the undertow of disaffiliation between women in this high-flying political moment. Blatch, the paradigmatic daughter, was one of the few to see that repudiation of past womens efforts was not without its costs, that it depleted the present as well as emancipated it. For her, the challenge of finding a relationship to the legacy of the nineteenth century was personal and political. Blatch needed to be her own person as well as her mothers daughter, and she resolved this dilemma politically, by extending her sense of feminism beyond her mothers reachinto issues of womens paid work, for example, that the latter was ill-fitted to understand. At the same time, Blatch sensed that her mothers most heterodox ideas, spurned by her Victorian contemporaries, resonated with the requirements of female modernity. She deeply resented Susan Anthonys ascendancy, and the secondary status to which her mother had been relegated in the history of suffrage. She worked hard to restore the full range of STANTONs thought, which had been excised and pruned away to fit the single-issue focus of the late-nineteenth-century campaign. For Blatchs most searching feminist contemporaries, discovering the breadth and the complexity of STANTONs ideas was exhilarating. I have longed to rush in upon you with my excitement over your mother, the historian Mary Beard wrote Blatch after having raced through the collection of STANTONs papers that Blatch had amassed and deposited at the Library of Congress. Every item in those folders excites me. Here was a usable past that billowed out from the confines of Victorian maternalism. Even the reputation of Victoria Woodhull, whose role in suffragism had been consistently suppressed in the official history of the movement, made a comeback after her death in 1927; and STANTON, whose devotion to Woodhull had been held against her for thirty years in the suffrage movement, gained luster through the association. IV. This saga of generation and memory, of mothers and daughters, is the standard by which the convulsions of contemporary feminismor rather, postfeminismmust be measured. We are the heirs of a great tradition of intelligence, courage, and imagination; but you would not know it from the post-feminism that surrounds us. Characterizing Harriot Blatchs self-understanding when she was just out of Vassar, Ellen DuBois nicely captures the mentality: young, self-confident, and sure she had never experienced discrimination by sex, a century later she would have been called a postfeminist, exhibiting in equal measure arrogance and naivete about the condition of her sex. The postfeminist of the 1990s revolts against a fantasy of traditional feminists as older, puritanical, limiting, hectoringthe tight-lipped, overly serious, disapproving mothers. Indeed, the generational tension seems a little familiar. Here, again, surely, is a feminism of the daughters. But it is not that at all, because this construction of womanhood is fundamentally timid and trivial. A career decision, a wardrobe decision, a cosmetic-surgery decision: these are the occasions for the postfeminist call-to-arms. Sisters, fight for the legitimacy of your lingerie! Do not surrender your nail polish to the prudish mothers! You are free to swish your hips! Contemporary postfeminist writingsnotably the recent books by Katie Roiphe, Karen Lehrman, and Elizabeth Wurtzelbelong to the literature of adolescence rather than the literature of ideas. They confuse sex with life, as adolescents do. They are driven mainly by appearances. They are unable to grasp the requirements of the world outside the self. They defend little and they build nothing. From these books the misogynists and the enemies of equality have nothing to fear. In the hands of the postfeminists, even Elizabeth Cady STANTON, the champion of dress reform, the inveterate foe of mens power over womens self-esteem, the fierce analyst of the ways in which the coercive power of men over women disguised itself within marriage, is complacently enlisted as just another advocate of female self-improvement. In this readingwhich is really the consequence of a lack of readingSTANTON joins Sharon Stone in a single sacred sisterhood. The strenuous worldview at the heart of the feminist tradition has been usurped by the epicene worldview of the womens magazines, which hides its indifference to critical thinking, its substitution of psychology for politics, its prescriptions for conformity, its enslavement of women to style, all behind the good and complicated name of feminism. This is not the feminism of the daughters. It is the feminism of the girls. Not bad girls, just girls; shrewd, not rebellious; ostensibly brazen, but essentially anxious. Confronted with these whining and self-indulgent outbursts, one longs for the spirit of SENECA FALLS, for the imagination, the empathy, and the ingenuity of the past, for the superabundance of life that is feminisms legacy. By Christine Stansell Christine Stansell is Professor of History at Princeton University. Her new book, American Moderns, will be published next spring. Copyright of New Republic is the property of New Republic and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holders express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. Source: New Republic, 08/10/98, Vol. 219 Issue 6, p26, 12p, 3bw. Item Number: 888132 Many strong and varied reform movements took root and flourished in the Northern United States in the decades before the Civil War. Abolitionism and a movement for womens rights arose in these years; temperance and moral reform crusades garnered both male and female supporters; utopian communities and other diverse religious groups strove to perfect society; and varied health reforms, from hydropathy to vegetarianism to homeopathy, promised to provide a safer and healthier alternative to treatments offered by regular physicians. In this reform atmosphere, it is not surprising that a movement began to free women from the restrictive clothing of the antebellum period; in fact, many of these reform currents contributed to the movement to reform womens dress.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Robber Barons or Captains of Industry free essay sample

Robber barons were business leaders who built their fortunes by stealing from the public and captains of industry were business leaders who served their nation in a positive way. These three entrepreneurs were robber barons, for they either did many good things for the nation but had tricks up their sleeve, or were just leaders that treated people unfairly. Henry Ford, John D.Rockefeller, and Andrew Carnegie were robber barons during the 1900’s. John D. Rockefeller was a robber baron because he monopolized the oil industry, barely donated to the community and led the workers to harsh conditions. When Rockefeller monopolized the industry, it was bad enough that he was going against the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890, which stated that having a monopoly was illegal. He even stated, â€Å"The coal oil business belongs to us,† after owning most of the companies due to his monopoly. The trick behind this act was to lower the prices of oil so everyone could afford it. We will write a custom essay sample on Robber Barons or Captains of Industry or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Even though this sounds very beneficial for the community, it was bad once Rockefeller was able to own every single company and raise the prices back up, leaving the people with no choice. Since automobiles were also much cheaper and more consumers were buying them, it would lead to more consumers buying oil from Rockefeller and only him. People stated he was a captain of industry because he helped people in poverty, but raising prices back up would not make it any better. Rockefeller also donated $8 billion to the economy, along with controlling 1. 52% of it. Even though $8 billion was an extreme amount of money, it was nothing compared to his $66. 3 billion dollars. Finally, Rockefeller’s workers were working in harsh conditions and treated unfairly. Even though he gave bonuses and high wages so they could work harder, only the unemployed men were allowed to work and had to follow strict rules. Since the workers did want to obey these harsh rules, it led to the Ludlow Massacre of 1914 where Rockefeller sent out the National Guard to stop them, killing 13 strikers and 32 women and children. Overall, Rockefeller’s tricks and immoral decisions led him to be a robber baron. Andrew Carnegie was another entrepreneur that was a robber baron. He treated his workers badly, had a monopoly, and bribed people through vertical integration. Worse than Rockefeller, Carnegie’s workers were in an even worse situation. Carnegie barely paid them anyway and he cut their wages, leading them closer and closer to a strike. The working conditions were also dangerous, leaving them with injuries due to their fingers or arms getting cut off in the machines. This resulted in the Homestead Strike, refusing to let the strikebreakers take over their jobs. Shooting broke out, leaving some strikers dead. Carnegie also used the methods of vertical integration and horizontal consolidation. Vertical integration is when Carnegie bought out all suppliers to control all the stages of the manufacturing process, such as transportation, raw materials, and etc. One of his good friends, Theodore Roosevelt, was an example of whom he bribed so he can buy out his suppliers with no one knowing. Horizontal consolidation was when Carnegie bought out all competing companies, soon creating a monopoly and owning 80% of the steel industry. Even though Carnegie built schools, libraries, homes, and railroads with most of his money, he still wanted profits from everything and tricks to bribe people into getting more. Finally, Henry Ford was also a robber baron. He glorified only himself, bribed his workers, and was anti-Semitic. Ford was seen as a great man for building hospitals, museums, etc. , especially since he was deeply appreciated for his good impact on America. But when he was glorified for expressing his love for American customs, the background story of this was that he deeply wanted his workers to be â€Å"Americanized†, teaching them English during work. Unfortunately though, he intruded on their personal lives and always made sure they were home at night, weren’t out drinking, or doing any other actions he restricted. He was also glorified for sending out ships to Europe to stop WWI with no profit, but when he arrived at Europe, he went right back to America. He made no impact on the war, and didn’t even care that the U. S. would have to get involved soon, even though he said he wanted to help them in the beginning. The first thing he was known for was scientific management and strengthening the mass assembly line, which would make the workers work harder but be happier. Although, this led to mass production, which gave him the benefit of higher profits. Ford also bribed his workers. Although he paid them very high wages and reduced their working hours, he only did this so they would not form a Union to rebel against him. Since the workers could also only purchase things from where they work, Ford got back their wages most of the time, which was also a good reason to increase their wages. Finally, Ford was anti-Semitic. When buying out the ‘Dearborn Independent’, people appreciated that he expressed his beliefs, but his hatred against the Jews was going way too far. He did not let them work in his factories, did not stop his publisher’s harsh words against them, and believed that they were immigrants who were here to take away the jobs of Americans. Overall, Henry Ford, John D. Roosevelt, and Henry Ford were three entrepreneurs that should be classified as robber barons in the 1900’s. Roosevelt and Carnegie had monopolies and were controlling leaders, were tricky business partners just like Ford, who was also selfish and glorifying for all the wrong reasons. Each entrepreneur are not captains of industry, but robber barons; people who manipulate the people for their own benefit.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The eNotes Blog Happy Birthday, ToniMorrison

Happy Birthday, ToniMorrison Today, February 18, marks the 82nd birthday of Toni Morrison. Morrison was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1988 for her novel Beloved.   She is the United States only living literary Nobel Prize winner (awarded to her in 1993). Morrison was born   Chloe Wofford to working class parents in 1931. She grew up in Lorain, Ohio and converted to Catholicism at age twelve.   Her baptismal name was Anthony, which is where Toni comes from; Morrison is her married name. In 1958, she married fellow  Howard University professor Harold Morrison. The couple had two children but divorced in 1964. In the late 1960s while a professor at Howard, Morrison began writing with an informal group of friends. She developed her first story there about a black girl who longed to have blue eyes. This story was the basis for her novel  The Bluest Eye  (1970).  Ã‚  Other novels have enjoyed both critical and popular success, including   Sula  (nominated for a National Book Award in 1975),  Song of Solomon  (1977),  Beloved  (1987) and  Jazz  (1992). Morrison has been called a writer who has enriched our literary heritage over a life of service, or a corpus of work   and one whose   novels [are] characterized   by visionary force and poetic import [and] give life to an essential aspect of American reality. Here are ten of the most memorable lines from Morrisons works  and lectures: 1.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Make up a story For our sake and yours forget your name in the street; tell us what the world has been to you in the dark places and in the light. Dont tell us what to believe, what to fear. Show us beliefs wide skirt and the stitch that unravels fears caul.†Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬â€¢Ã‚  Ã‚  The Nobel Lecture In Literature, 1993 2.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"She is a friend of my mind. She gather me, man. The pieces I am, she gather them and give them back to me in all the right order.†   Ã‚  Beloved 3.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Dont ever think I fell for you, or fell over you. I didnt fall in love, I rose in it.†   Jazz 4.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"I tell my students, When you get these jobs that you have been so brilliantly trained for, just remember that your real job is that if you are free, you need to free somebody else. If you have some power, then your job is to empower somebody else. This is not just a grab-bag candy game.† 5.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"What difference do it make if the thing you scared of is real or not?†   Song of Solomon   6.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"In this country American means white. Everybody else has to hyphenate.† 7.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Along with the idea of romantic love, she was introduced to anotherphysical beauty. Probably the most destructive ideas in the history of human thought. Both originated in envy, thrived in insecurity, and ended in disillusion.†   The Bluest Eye 8.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Love is or it aint. Thin love aint love at all.†   Beloved 9.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Gimme hate, Lord,† he whimpered. â€Å"I’ll take hate any day. But don’t give me love. I can’t take no more love, Lord. I can’t carry itIt’s too heavy. Jesus, you know, You know all about it. Ain’t it heavy? Jesus? Ain’t love heavy?†   Song of Solomon   10.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"All paradises, all utopias are designed by who is not there, by the people who are not allowed in.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn Headline

How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn Headline How confident are you in your LinkedIn headline? Have you crafted it with keywords and viewer engagement in mind? Many LinkedIn users have not considered either SEO or marketing strategies in their headlines, mistakenly believing that their LinkedIn headline must be the same as their current job title. I frequently see job titles like â€Å"Project Manager at ABC Company.† In fact, using your current job title with nothing more will do very little to help you get found on LinkedIn. With 120 characters to play with, you can do so much more! LinkedIn headlines with brief titles such as IT Consultant, Sports Executive, or Sales Professional dont distinguish you from every other person with the same job description in a pool of half a billion LinkedIn users. To stand out in your LinkedIn headline, you must use both keywords and an attention-grabbing statement. Otherwise, you wont appear at the top of LinkedIn search results, and you certainly wont capture your readers attention. How to Identify Keywords for a KILLER LinkedIn Headline Not sure how to choose your top keywords? Here are my top 5 tips for building your LinkedIn SEO: 1. Put yourself in the position of the people who are searching for you. Who is searching for you on LinkedIn? Are they potential clients? Recruiters and hiring managers? Future business partners? Think about what and whom they would be looking for on LinkedIn and identify the phrases they would be searching for. These keywords might include job titles, core competencies, geographical regions, technical skills, soft skills, languages and more. Put the top keywords you identify into your headline. 2. Brainstorm. You know your profession better than anyone, so simply brainstorming commonly used words in your field can reap the perfect keywords. 3. Do comparative research. Another great tactic is looking at the profiles of other people with backgrounds or positions similar to yours. What keywords are showing up in their headlines? You might want to â€Å"borrow† them. Do not – I repeat do NOT – copy someone else’s LinkedIn headline (or any part of their profile) verbatim! 4. Wordle it (for job seekers). If you are a job seeker, you can look at job advertisements for your target position and count keywords by hand that are showing up repeatedly. Or, to save some time and energy, use (Java must be installed, and Safari and Internet Explorer work best). Simply put the copy from a few job listings into and generate a word map that shows you what words come up most frequently. Use those keywords! Here’s what I got when I put in some financial analyst job descriptions: And here’s one for a CTO: 5. Featured Skills Endorsements LinkedIn has done a lot of work for you in the Skills section. The items that come up in the drop-down menu in that section are keywords most searched for by recruiters. Scan through the skills that autopopulate there to see what keywords LinkedIn suggests for your profession. Once you have identified your top keywords, use them! Before I knew the power of keywords, my LinkedIn headline read: Founder and Senior Editor, The Essay Expert. Note the lack of keywords in that headline. Now it reads: The new headline has a lot more keywords. When I changed my headline, as well as added more keywords to my Current Job Title, Summary, Skills, and other Job Titles, I went from being almost invisible in searches to coming up first in the search rankings on queries for Executive Resume Writer in my geographic area of Madison, WI. Adding keywords will not only help your SEO within LinkedIn, but it will help you on Google too. Heres a sample Google result: Its incontrovertible. You will get value from including keywords in your LinkedIn headline. So if your  LinkedIn headline consists solely of your job title and company name, go change it now! How to Convey Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) Once you’ve identified your keywords, craft a headline for your profile that tells us what makes you unique while including as many of those keywords as possible. Here are some examples: Frank Kanu Management / Business Consultant ââ€"   Speaker ââ€"   Author ââ€"   Leading Fortune 500 and Small Business Executives Teams Dave Stachowiak Host/Founder of Coaching for Leaders, a Top 10 iTunes careers podcast Senior VP, Dale Carnegie of Southern Los Angeles Ole-Kristian Sivertsen Senior Vice President Maritime | Global Eagle (MTN, EMC, GEE) | Market Leader in Mobility, Content Connectivity See the advantage over headlines like Consultant or Senior VP? More explicit headlines give spark and color to your profile as opposed to just listing your job title; and they contain keywords to help you appear at the top of search results. They can also hint at your personality, the results you produce, and some of your soft skills. NOTE: Including proper keywords does not guarantee your profile will appear at the top of searches. There are other factors that go into search rankings- most notably your number of connections and your level of profile completeness. But without keywords, your profile is guaranteed to remain at the bottom of the pile. MOBILE NOTE: When connections search for you on their phones, your entire LinkedIn headline is not visible, so use your most important keywords in the first 50 characters. What if Ive never held the position I want to be found for? If you are seeking a position as VP of Finance, and you have never held that position before, consider creative ways of including the keywords VP and Finance. For example: VP-Level Finance Executive or Available for VP of Finance Position at Growing Company. Of course you need to make sure not to misrepresent yourself, so you might need to say Poised for†¦ or something similar. Note that if you have performed the functions to match a job title, you can put the job title in your headline. I say if youve done the job, you can claim the job title! Should I include a tagline? There is evidence that you will have a higher conversion rate if you include a tagline or unique selling proposition (USP) in addition to straight keywords in your headline. Best strategy: Use keywords to increase the frequency with which you are found in searches; include a tagline or USP to generate interest so people click to read more. In conclusion†¦ More keywords in your LinkedIn headline means you will rank higher in searches- more people will find you. And with an effective tagline, people will be sufficiently intrigued to read more. An increase in page views means more potential business activity or job search activity for you. Keywords are your key to success. This article was adapted from my book, How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn Profile And 18 Mistakes to Avoid. For more on how to add your new headline, what pitfalls to avoid, and secret tips for putting more than 120 characters into your headline, get the book today!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Blog # 6 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Blog # 6 - Assignment Example Women love the love stories that men from these films display where they appear to end up overly happy. The women also deem that by involving themselves with Korean men, they will have the same feeling (Onishi, 2008). One significant long-term effect is that this might lead to cultural degradation because the women are rushing to intermarry with different cultures, which will, in the long run degrade the two cultures that are involved in the matrimony. This is because as cultures intermarry, they tend to endorse other cultures apart from theirs, thus leading to clashes in between (Onishi, 2012). Finally, the short-term effect the clashes that women in Korea would have with Korean men for choosing to go abroad to marry instead of marrying their own. It is not significant because it is important to reserve ones culture in order to ensure continuity of the culture. Chan, B., & Xueli, W. (2011). Of prince charming and male chauvinist pigs: Singaporean female viewers and the dream-world of Korean television dramas. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 14(5), 291-306. Onishi, N. (2012). For some in Vietnam, prosperity is a South Korean son-in-law. Retrieved from

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Critically evaluate the cognitive development theories of Piaget and Essay

Critically evaluate the cognitive development theories of Piaget and Vygotsky and discuss their relevance to Social Work practice - Essay Example He came up with the cognitive development theory where he showed two major aspects to his theory: the process of coming to know and the stages used to acquire the ability to know. In his book, Miller, (2002, p.32) stated that Piaget viewed knowledge as a process and that children have an active process of knowing their surrounding. As a biologist, he was interested in how a given organism adapts to its environment. Behaviour is controlled through mental organization where an individual uses some schemes to represent the world and designate action. This adaptation is motivated by biological drive to obtain balance between the schemes and the environment. Piaget hypothesized that an infant is born with schemes that operate from birth. These schemes are reflexes which are used to adapt the environment and are later replaced by constructed schemes. He described two processes that are used by individual to adapt to the environment; assimilation and accommodation. These processes are used throughout life as the person progressively adapts to the environment in a more complex way. Assimilation is a process of transforming the environment so that it can be suitable in the pre-existing cognitive structures. An example is where an infant uses a sucking schema that was developed by sucking a small bottle when trying to suck a larger bottle. Accommodation on the other hand, is the process of changing the cognitive structures in order to accept anything from the environment. An example would be when the child wants to modify a sucking schema that was developed through sucking on a pacifier to one that could be thriving for sucking on a bottle. The two processes are simultaneously useful throughout life. Piaget proposes that there are four distinct stages of mental representation that children pass through right from their infancy stage to the adult level of intelligence. The four stages are; sensorimotor period, preoperation period, concrete operational stage and formal operational stage. Sensorimotor stage starts from birth to two years. It is the primary stage in cognitive development; this is where infants create an understanding of the world by coordinating the sensory experience with physical actions. They gain knowledge from the world through the physical actions hence, progress from reflexive instinctual action at birth to the beginning of symbolic thought towards the end of the stage. Piaget subdivided the sensorimotor stage into six sub-stages. Simple reflexes are a sub-stage where the infant coordinates the sensation and action through reflexive behaviour. It starts right from birth to the period when the infant is one month old. First habits and primary circular reactions phase is the second sub-stage (Bateson 2005, p 127). It starts from one month to four months after birth. Other sub-stages include: secondary circular reaction phase, coordination of secondary circular reaction phase, tertiary circular reactions and curiosity and internalization of the schemes. By the end of sensorimotor stage, the child acquires the sense of object permanence. The child understands that objects continue to exist even when they cannot be heard, seen or touched. According to Piaget,

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Purposes Of Education Essay Example for Free

The Purposes Of Education Essay Workshop Foundations The purpose of the workshop is to present the purposes of education. For the purpose of this objective, the participants of the workshop will be asked to participate in group activities that will allow them to experience a purpose of education. Their experience in the activities will then be shared trough discussion group with the rest of the workshop participants.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Each of the activities assigned to each group are designed to illustrate how the process of education supports its purposes. The purposes of education, as to be presented during the Introduction of Workshop by Team 1 have been summarized as follows: Education is to teach members of society ethical and moral values, the social system which includes social order, politics and economics as well as the standards and norms expected from each member of that society (Sever, 2006) Education has the purpose of developing competencies and knowledge for the individual and social productivity, allowing individuals the ability to empower themselves and preserve society (Anderson, 2005). Education is a means to realize human potential and achieving self-worth (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) ESD Section, 2007) Task Schedule The activity will me be led by a management team made up of four teams. Three of the teams or management team member will be assigned to supervise a workshop group with their activity. The fourth team will handle the introduction and processing of the workshop activities. The workshop activities for each group will be discussed in detail in later section of the paper. The schedule or outline of activities will be as followed strictly to ensure the group and worship activities will be accomplished and to promote the management of activities. Task # Task Team-in-charge Time allotted (minute/s) Activities 1 Introduction of Workshop 1 2 Presentation of workshop objectives and requirements. 2 Presentation of literature defining the purpose of education 2 Introduction of workshop management teams and their roles 2 Division into groups 1 2 Participants will be asked to count-off to form three groups, groups A, B and C. 1 Participants will be asked to go to their respective group managers[1] 3 Group activity 2, 3, 4 1 Orientation of team tasks[2] 8 Groups will work independently to accomplish the task/scenario given to them. 2 After accomplishment of the tasks, Teams will lead the processing for their respective groups[3]. 4 Workshop processing 1 4 The task/activity of each group will be presented by a group member and their ideas they have listed during group processing 2 Comparison and contrast of ideas listed during group processing and the presented definitions of the purpose of education 4 Discussion the significance of the understanding the purpose of education and the activities from each group    Group Activities Group A   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The city is hosting a number of groups of varying cultures and ethnicity. There has been a history of conflicts among some groups because of cultural conflicts. A few of the groups have limited interaction with other groups. At the same time, some social service and public officers have had difficulty in encouraging social participation among groups that have led to some difficulties in delivering primary services. One of the strategies that has been seen to improve relationships among these groups is by using schools as a platform? Do you believe that such interventions will be effective? Explain and discuss with your group.    Group B   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There is a greater demand for computer literacy today. Companies consider computer skills as a minimum requirement for employment. At the same time, many services and personal activities also require a degree of computer proficiency which includes banking, communications and filing for taxes among others. Thus, many schools have invested in the procurement of these technological tools and teachers have been encouraged to incorporate computers and other technologies to their classes. This has entailed a significant resource investment that is need just as much in the development of new infrastructure, improving compensation of teaching personnel or allocating it for support services for students. Do you think schools are justified in their investment in computer literacy? Explain and discuss with your group.    Group C   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   According to the UNESCO, one of their motivations in emphasizing the importance of education in developing countries is its potential in contributing to national development. Do you believe that such a perspective is valid? How can education contribute to national development indicators such as gross domestic product, unemployment and crime rate? In turn, how can the improvement of such development indicators enhance the quality of human life? Explain and discuss with your group.    References Anderson, Jo Anne (2005). Accountability in education. Education Policy Series. Paris: International Institute of Educational Planning – International Academy of Education and UNESCO Jones, Reilly (2003). Purpose of Education. Retrieved October 21, 2007, from Majhanovich, Suzanne (2002). Conflicting visions, competing expectations: Control and de-skilling of educationa perspective from Ontario. McGill Journal of Education, April. Retrieved October 21, 2007, from Sever, Rita (2006). Educational Policy Borrowing: Historical Perspectives. International Sociology, May (21): 483 – 487 The Meaning of Education (2002).   Teachers Mind Resources. Retrieved October 21, 2007, from United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization ESD Section, 2007 UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development: The First Two Years. Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, March (1): 117 – 126 [1] Team 1 will be assigned to handle Group A, Team 2 to Group B and Team 3 to Group C [2] Teams will explain to their respective groups the task assigned for their team. Team managers will establish roles and for the group members and guid them in the accomplishment of their objective [3] Processing will be the identification of the purpose of education highlighted by the activity. Responses will be summarized by Teams for their respective groups on posters assigned for each group or onto the presentation slides reserved for workshop processing. The posters will be displayed and utilized during workshop processing

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Quasars Essay -- Essays Papers

Quasars Since their discovery, the nature of quasars has been one of the most intriguing and baffling problems as evidenced by the following quotations: " the problem of understanding quasi-stellar objects†¦ is one of the most important and fascinating tasks in all physics" - G.Burbidge and Hoyle. "The quasar continues to rank both as one of the most baffling objects in the universe and one most capable of inspiring heated argument" - Morrison. "The redshift problem is one of the most critical problems in astronomy today" - G. Burbidge. "Quasars still remain the profoundest mystery in the heavens" - Hazard and Mitton. The conventional interpretation of the spectral lines observed in quasars is based on the redshift hypothesis. Three hypotheses have been advanced to account for the supposed redshifts: 1. Cosmological hypothesis; the redshifts are due to the expansion of the universe, 2. Gravitational hypothesis, 3 Local-Doppler hypothesis; in this hypothesis the redshifts are due to the Doppler effect, but the quasars are relatively nearby and have nothing to do with the expansion of the universe. Of these hypotheses, the first one is the most publicized one. One is led to attribute to quasars very many mysterious properties if one assumes the redshift hypothesis to be correct. A patient analysis of the data on quasars over the years has led to the conclusion that the real source of the trouble is in the assumption that the spectra of quasars have redshifts. In the early 1960's quasars were known as 'radio stars' because the method used to discover the first quasars was based on coincidences between a strong radio source and a point-like optical source. Since each radio source was associated with a star it was originally thought that quasars were objects within the galaxy hence the term 'radio stars'. Quasars or quasi-stellar radio source, from the method by which they where originally discovered: as stellar optical counterparts to small regions of strong radio emission. With increasing spatial resolution of radio telescopes the strong radio emission often seemed to come from a pair of lobes surrounding many of these faint star-like emission line objects. The initial method of selection was strong radio emission, and then later any object with blue or ultraviolet excess wa... ... between galaxies, either through direct collisions or near encounters, can be important in turning on a quasar, by dumping fuel onto a black hole. However some quasars look unperturbed, so there may be other, more subtle mechanisms for feeding the black hole. Some of the galaxies we observed don't appear to know they have a quasar in their core. 3. Quasars that are radio quiet are often in elliptical galaxies, not always in spiral galaxies, as previously believed. Advanced instruments planned for Hubble should also help pin down more details. The Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS), to be installed in 1997, and the Advanced Camera, to be installed in 1999, will have coronagraphic devices which will block out the glare of a quasar, allowing astronomers to see closer into a galaxy's nucleus. By viewing galactic structures in infrared light , the NICMOS should be able to provide important new details about the host galaxies of quasars. The continued study of quasars and the information that it will provide us with may help us to develop a better understanding of space and how we fit in to this great puzzle.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Nursing Final

Its a beta blocker. – Chapter 18- Peripheral Vascular Disorders -Hypertension- BP 140/90. -Hypertensive Crisis- 180/120 -DASH diet- 2,000 calories. 7-8 grains, fewer than 2 servings of protein Review pages 430- 438 Chapter 29- Urinary System – Urinary Tract Infection- #1 Nonsocial infection Most common location is the bladder (cystitis) Most common upper OUT is kidney and renal pelvis (polytheists) Most common bacteria to cause OUT is e-coli Difference between Cystitis and PolytheistsCystitis- Disarray, urgency, nocturne, Papyri, Hematite Polytheists- Same as above plus flank pain, N-V-D, fever, malaise- Urinary Calculi. Stones made from Ca. Dull, aching to severe flank pain. Nausea, vomiting. Gross hematite. – Lithography- crushing stones through sound waves – Acute Renal Failure. -Rapid onset. Reversible.Most common cause is sashimi (poor perfusion to the kidney) Most common symptom is Algeria (urine output less than 400 muddy) High BUN and creating leve ls Page 2 Occurs in 3 stages: initiation (up to days), maintenance phase (up to 2 weeks) and this is here all the problems occur, and the recovery phase (up to 1 – Globetrotting's Leading cause of kidney disease and failure Caused by strep (a beta-hemolytic strep) Surrounded by bowman's capsule Sex: hematite, proteins, hypoglycemia, azotes (increase Nitrogen) Lasts 10-14 days Nephritis- nephritis is any degenerative disease of the renal tubules.Nephritis can be caused by kidney disease, or it may be secondary to another disorder. It should not be confused with nephritis, where inflammation is implied. – Nephritic Syndrome Same as above but there is a significant loss of protein lost in urine Found in lupus ND those with kidney disorders Sex: proteins, low albumin, high lipids, and severe edema in face and periodontal area. Blood clots are common. – Urine Dipstick PH 6-6. 5 specific gravity 1. 010-1. 025 Everything else is negative in a healthy patient Potassium Normal 3. -5. 2 – Sodium Normal 135-145 Drugs that lower sodium levels are diuretics, (pep-/ Noreen), decongestants and antithetic medications IV solutions that increase sodium are Nasal Chapter 31- Male Reproductive – Tetrahedral resection of the prostate (TURN) – is a surgical procedure that removes portions of the prostate gland through the TURN requires no external incision. Pen's. A Inserted through the penis and the wire loop is guided by the surgeon so it can remove carried by fluid the obstructing tissue one piece at a time.The pieces of tissue are into the bladder and flushed out at the end of the procedure. TURN is generally done to relieve symptoms due to prostate enlargement, often due to quite enlarged Problems with dribbling. BP. BP is a condition in which the prostate gland may become and cause problems with urination. Symptoms may include getting a urine stream started . Nocturne, urgency, Monitor tort hemorrhage tort the TLS 2 Chapter 32- Female Reproductive Meteorological Bleeding between periods Sign of cervical or uterine cancer Dilation and Curettage (D ;C) Page 3 – Cervical canal is scraped 48 hours.Monitor for circulation. Avoid pillow under legs. Avoid tampons for 2 weeks. – Vaginas Fungal (candidates) Protozoan (trice. ) bacteria (grandparent) Chapter 34/35- Endocrine System Biofeedback Mechanisms (3 below) 1) glucose maintenance- interplay between insulin and clangor, pancreatic hormones that release glucose and store glucose, respectively 2) body temperature maintenance -hypothalamus, nerves, skin, sweat glands, earth(beats faster if warm), kidneys -if your temp. Increases due to exercise/warm weather/illness: sweating occurs to produce evaporation which leads to cooling -if your temp. Decreases due to cold weather/being scared/illness: â€Å"goose bumps† (obliteration) occurs, which are thought to be derived from a response that enable the hair to stand on end causing more insulation and hea t 3) fluid maintenance- -kidneys regulate how much fluid is excreted. If you are dehydrated they will produce less urine. If you drink a lot of fluid quickly, then more urine will be excreted – Thyroid sits on either side of tracheaIsthmus connects two lobes Needs iodine to secrete to (thyroxin) and to (trinitrotoluene) that increases metabolism Also secretes calculation that decreases excess calcium levels in the blood – Hyperthyroidism Too much thyroid hormone AS: Increased appetite, yet loses weight. If left untreated, will cause cardiac dysphasia and heart failure Develops into 2 disorders: Graves disease and thyroid crisis Graves disease (goiters ; expostulates- protruding eyes) Expostulates- protruding eyes Thyroid storm- High fever (;102), tachycardia, hypertension, restlessness, seizures, delirium- Tracheotomy-Will be on lifelong replacement hormones Thyroid state (balanced hormonal state before surgery) Nursing precautions: hemorrhage, respiratory distress, la ryngeal nerve damage, tenant, thyroid storm Maxed- form of hypothyroidism Brought on by exposure to cold, infix, temp, trauma, narcotics ; tranquilizer More frequent in women AS: seizures, lethargy to coma, hypothermia. Respiratory and cardiovascular systems shut down. TX: airway, Cardiac function, increasing Temperature and HTH levels by getting labyrinthine by IV. Page 4 – Cushing Syndrome Adrenal cortex produces too much cortical (hormone) or ACTAAS: fat deposits in abdomen, clavicle, buffalo hump, round moon face, hirsute (excessive facial hair) DXL: Increase cortical level and elevate 24 hour urine test with 17- sisterhoods and 17- horticulturalists. Low potassium, Sodium and glucose levels are also higher. Meds: lessoned and acetated are commonly used. Addison Disease Adrenal insufficiency AS: decrease glorifications, mineralogist's, and androgen's TX: IV fluids, glucose, An, sociolinguistics, warm and quiet environment DXL: Decreased levels of cortical, decreased 24 ho ur urine test with 17- sisterhoods, Potassium is increased, glucose and sodium are decreased.Phosphorescently benign tumor of adrenal medulla Produces excessive amounts of epinephrine and morphogenesis Stimulates the sympathetic nervous system AS: BP 200-300/150 +, pounding HA, profuse sweating, tachycardia, flushing, DXL: increased catecholamine levels in the blood or urine, CT scan. Tracheotomy Nursing care: stabilize BP – Tracheotomy Removal of adrenal gland High risk of Addison crisis or adrenal crisis. – Addison Crisis hypertension, rapid weak pulse, extreme weakness, confusion, circulating collapse and shock.Dangerously low K+ levels. – Diabetes Insipid Results from lack of DAD hormone Two types: energetic (damage to pituitary) and nephritic (Kidneys) Risk for hyperthermia Sex: Polynesia, popularly (5-15 ml. ‘day) urine specific gravity of less than 1. 005, mucous pale urine, weakens, dehydration, tachycardia, poor skin author, dry membranes Nursing Care: managing fluid and electrolytes, replacing DAD. Monitor daily weight. Meds: Visionaries (monitor for h/a and abdominal cramps).Ethicize diuretics sodium Chapter 36- Diabetes – Normal blood glucose is 70-100. Diagnosing Diabetes plasma glucose level (>200) oral glucose tolerance test (2 hour test, >200) sting blood glucose (8 hour test, > 126) Peripheral Vascular Disease Greater in Type 2 Atherosclerosis of lower legs Page 5 Leads to gangrene. (Most common cause of amputations) AS: hair loss, atrophic skin, cool feet, red- white legs, thick toenails, pain with walking a pulses. ND at rest (usually at night), diminished or absent peripheral – Type 1 Diabetes Destruction of beta cells leads to state of absolute insulin deficiency Usually occurs in childhood Prone to developing acidosis's Insulin dependent Sex: Popularly, Polynesia, polyphonic, weight loss, fatigue, malaise, blurred vision – Type 2 Diabetes Sufficient insulin to prevent acidosis's, but to lowe r blood glucose Usually occurs after 30 Most clients are obese Insulin requiring but not dependent Sex: Popularly, Polynesia, obesity, recurrent infix, fatigue, blurred vision, parenthesis (numbness and tingling around mouth and hands and feet. – DAD 1800 clone Diet Diabetic Acidosis Occurs in Type 1 diabetes Sex: hyperglycemia, dehydration, coma, BBS > 250, stentorian. Metabolic Acidosis's= fruity, alcohol breath Common in those who are undiagnosed. TX: fluids, insulin, correction of electrolytes. Unconsciousness patients need 0. 9% normal saline to replace sodium. Start with 0. 9, then 0. 45%. Dextrose is added to prevent hypoglycemia. Exercise Reduces blood glucose by increase glucose use by the muscles. Eat snack before exercising. Avoid exercising if fasting is ; 250. -Only regular insulin may be given b y the IV route.HAS (Hyperbolas Hyperglycemia State) Occurs in Type 2 Characterized by severely high glucose ( or ;), extreme dehydration, and alter LOC, grand mall seizu res. -Differences between DAKAR and HAS Type 1 Lethargy H HAS Type 2 Coma Samuels breaths Rapid, shallow breathing Glucose ;250 Glucose ; 600 *Samuels breathing – rapid, deep respiration to prevent decrease in PH. Smoggy Effect Morning rise in glucose after a nighttime hypoglycemia. Sex: tenors, night sweats, and restlessness. TX: Eat bedtime snack Dawn phenomenon Rise in glucose between 4 am and 8 am.TX: increase insulin dose or changing injection time from dinnertime to bedtime Page Hyperglycemia Sex: Increased thirst and frequency Diet: low carbohydrates and sugar, sufficient hydration, and frequent small meals. – Hypoglycemia Sex: carry an emergency snack high in carbohydrates to help raise low blood sugar. People who have experienced hypoglycemia in the past should eat meals at regular intervals, avoid excessive alcohol and never drink alcohol on an empty stomach. Chapter 37- Nervous system – Cardiovascular Accident- Brain attack or stroke Thrombosis C.V.- Caused by atherosclerosis of arteries.Happens during or after sleep. Embolism C.V.- caused by problems with the heart Hemorrhagic C.V.- caused by hypertension Right Side vs. Left side Effects left side Effects right side Visual Unaware Impulsive Heat stroke Speech (Left-Language) Away re Slow, cautious heat cramps, heat syncope (fainting), and heat exhaustion . Nausea, seizures, confusion, disorientation, and sometimes loss of consciousness. Remove any extra clothes. – Frost bite Don't put direct heat on it. Wrap in blankets or move to a warmer environment.Chapter 38- Interracial Disorders – Closed head injuries Coup-contractor- Jerking forward-jerking back – Concussion brain injury resulting trot violent snaking or impact – Contusion bleeding into soft tissue resulting from blunt force Epidural Hematite severe blow to brain causing arterial bleeding between skull and durra mater. – Suburbia Hematite injury between durra mater and subtractions laye r – Antibacterial Hematite Bleeding into brain caused by gunshot wound or depressed skull fracture- Simple arterial seizure- Jerking of finger, hand, foot, leg and face.Called Jackson March. – Sex: flashing lights, tingling sensations, or hallucinations. – Complex Partial Seizures Sex: lip smacking, aimless walking, picking up clothing – Absence seizures- In children. Blank stare. Lasts 5-10 seconds. May be unaware. – Tonic-clinic seizures- Adults and children. From trauma. Stages: aura, tonic phase, clinic phase, postnatal phase Up to 30 miss Page 7 Chapter 39- Neurological and Spinal Multiple Sclerosis degenerative disease that damages myelin sheath surrounding axons. Marked by periods of exacerbation and remissionEffects Women between 20-50 Myelin sheath is the white matter in the CONS Put is prone to IT'S, pressure ulcers, Joint conjunctures, pneumonia, depression DXL: SF (cerebration's fluid analysis). Look for Gig. , MR. and CT scan. – Parkinson Disease Results from a lack of dopamine 3 cardiac signs: tremor, rigidity, braininess. Pill-rolling. Leopard- Used to treat shaking, stiffness, and slow movement Interscholastic- Med for Parkinson Sex: dry mouth, orthodontic hypertension, constipation, urinary hesitation, pupil dilation, blurred vision, dry eyes, photosensitive, increased heart rate.Anesthesia Gravies Marked by periods of exacerbation and remission Sex: eyelid photos (drooping eye), diploma (double vision), slurred speech, nasal voice, difficulty chewing or swallowing Face appears to have a snarl or grimace Risk for aspiration and respiratory insufficiency – Choleric Crisis caused by taking meds too early. Sex: Severe muscle weakness, NV, increased salivation, sweating, brickyard. – Anesthetic crisis Caused by taking meds late Sex: muscle weakness, inability to speak/swallow, respiratory distress, anxiety – Terminal Neuralgia Causes pain along both sides of face.Sex: periodic, severe pain in cheeks, forehead, lips. Triggered by wind, chewing, shaving. Rhizome- surgical severing of a nerve root to control pain. – Autonomic Dyslexia Effects TO and above. Stimulated by full bladder or fecal impaction. TX: Elevate HOB 45 degrees. Check for kinks in catheter. – CLC-CA injury puts a person on a ventilator. MONOCOTYLEDON a protrusion of impinges and spinal cord through a defect in the spinal column Chapter 40- Eye Disorders – Cataracts Red-reflex (reddish-orange glow in pupil when light hits it) disappears. Intraocular lens is implanted to focus light and restore vision.Snell Chart Eye chart. Madrigals- med that causes dilation of pupil Page 8 Chapter 43- Musculoskeletal Trauma Mast Suit Used for carcinogenic & hypoglycemic shock in abdominal, pelvic and lower extremity Internal (Proportional) trauma – Know: Diabetes, insulin – peak time & preparing, when to administer, Insulin Comparison Chart: Insulin Type Onset Peaks at Ends Workin g in Low Occurs at Humanly- (Rapid) 15-20 miss 30-90 miss 3-4 hours 2-4 her Novel- (Rapid) 15-20 miss 40-50 miss 3-4 hours 2-4 her Regular (short)30-60 miss 80-120 miss 4-6 hours 3-7 her NAP (intermediate 2-4 hours 6-10 hours 14-16 hours 6-12 herLandaus (Long) 2-3 hours almost no peak 18-26 hours 4-24 her Oxalate: This medication is used to treat a high level of potassium in your blood. Too much potassium in your blood can sometimes cause heart rhythm problems. Sodium polystyrene sultanate works by helping your body get rid of extra potassium. Corticosteroids- from the adrenal cortex . Used to treat purists (itching) and psoriasis, bone cancer, chronic interpolator diseases such as Arthur s Sociolinguistics (creditors) raises blood glucose levels. Mineralogical (lodestone) maintains normal salt and water balance through kidneys.

Saturday, November 9, 2019


There were 5 trials of 30 second intervals. After every trial the subject was asked to estimate the number of letters expected to be written correctly in the next trial. As the results showed, only 2 out of the 9 subjects were able to perfect the experiment. Majority of the 9 subjects committed tallest 2 errors in a trial. The most errors committed by a subject were 7 errors. As a conclusion, it can be said that the main objective of this experiment was accomplished. The class exhibited notable scores during the course of the activity and important lessons were relayed. L.Experimenting, although most are unaware about it, is a part of daily living. Say, experimenting with the route when going to school or to work, experimenting with clothes when dressing up, also, experimenting with ingredients when cooking. In life experimentation is simple however when it comes to Science, Experimentation entails so much more. The meaning of the word â€Å"experiment† on a Merriam Webster di ctionary is; a test or trial, an operation or procedure carried out under controlled conditions in order to discover an unknown effect or law to test or establish a hypothesis or to illustrate a known law.Wisped on the other hand says that an experiment is a methodical trial ND error procedure carried out with the goal of verifying, falsifying, or establishing the validity of a hypothesis. Furthermore, it says that experiments provide insight into cause-and-effect by demonstrating what outcome occurs when a particular factor is manipulated. Experiments vary greatly in their goal and scale, but always rely on repeatable procedure and logical analysis of the results. Experiments can vary from personal and informal to highly controlled. Uses of experiments vary considerably between the natural and social sciences.Having a clear vision of what experiment means, it would be easier to comprehend he process of â€Å"experimentation†. According to Anne Myers (2003) experimentation is a process undertaken to discover something new or to demonstrate that events that have already been observed will occur again under a particular set of conditions. When experimenting, systematically manipulate aspects of a setting to verify predictions about behavior under particular conditions. Experimentation is sometimes impossible. To do an experiment, predictions must be testable. Two minimum requirements must be met: First, having procedures for manipulating the setting.Second, the predicted outcome must be observable. To use experimentation, it is a must to have procedures to manipulate the environment, and to make predictions about observable outcomes. Experimentation must also be objective. Ideally, we do not bias results by setting up situations in which predictions can always be confirmed. Do not stack the deck in our favor by giving subjects subtle cues to respond in the desired way. Nor prevent them from responding in the non-predicted direction. In Psychology however, experimentation started with the intensive, prolonged study of the individual.This single-participant research strategy followed from the earlier scientific paradigms employed by physiologists. Foremost was the classic research of the great French physiologist Claude Bernard in the sass's. Barnyard's strategy of concentrating on the individual was widely accepted in physiology when he won a scientific argument concerning physiological knowledge of European urine. A proposal had been advanced to collect specimens of urine from a centrally located train station and compute average values. Psychology majors will eventually turn to experimentation to prove personal theories, assessments, beliefs, and curiosities.Hence the subject shall educate on how to conduct experiments reliably and convincingly. The conclusion which should be drawn from this experiment shall inform on the what, why and how of Experimentation. II. METHODS Procedure The experimenter (E) instructed the subject (S) to write the alphabet backwards (from Z to A) as rapidly as possible. There were 5 trials of 30 seconds each with a one- minute rest between trials. After the first trial the S reported the number of letters written and gave an estimate of the number expected in the second trial.After the second, third, and fourth trials the S reported the number estimated, the number achieved and the number estimated for the next trial. After the fifth trial only the estimated and achieved scores were reported. Apparatus For the experiment the tools used were: a pencil some scratch paper and a timer with second hand Ill. RESULTS Summarized Scores of Each Subject The table illustrates the scores of each subject from SSL to SO. Each subject was given 5 trials with 30 second intervals. The Right and Wrong answers are represented by (R) & (W) respectively. Results showed that 2 out of 9 subjects had no errors.SO made 2 errors during the first trial but perfected the activity throughout all the succeeding trials. SO and SO made no errors at all during trials 1 to last. SO showed an alternating score of 24 and 26 through trials 1 to last respectively. SO made an error during the 2nd trial but throughout all the trials the scores were perfect. SO showed a rise in the curve throughout trials 1 to last. Finally, SO showed a rise in the curve through trials 1 to 3 but dropped a point from the previous score in the last trial. For most of the subjects, there was a rise in the curve throughout the trials.